
This is Kid's Stuff!

I'm not sure about you, but as a kid I didn't have as much "stuff" to deal with. I didn't have a cell phone, computer, the volume of toys and doodads kids do now days. For the most part, we did homework, went outside and watched TV. We lived without social media... and survived!!! Wow! Our rooms didn't have toys in them, it was clothing, a bed and a few personal items and memories.

Getting back to organizing.... I struggled for a long time knowing what to do with the "stuff" in life because it was new to me. I had to learn how to deal with it one item at a time. The answer to some of the stuff was absolutely nothing. Yep, nothing! Somethings I realized were only going to be temporary ... I could let them bother me or understand it has a purpose and will be gone soon. I focused instead on organizing things that will be here longer and needed a system...So what kinds of things did I ignore organizationally?

Large pieces of baby equipment... I wanted to compartmentalize them so that they could be used and put away, but that is not practical. When you have a baby and all the stuff they have tends to be large and take over your house/life. Instead spend time organizing things that will truly save you time... like the changing table... make it efficient and idiot proof for all the changing that will happen. You will only trip over the swing for a couple months until you lend it to a friend or give it back to the friend that lent it to you. 

I eventually stopped trying to organize or micromanage some one else stuff. It's an uphill battle that just leaves us both feeling underwhelmed. I obviously waited until they are old enough... I mean I didn't let my 2 year old organize or put laundry away. (Mostly because they were older when I decided to change my ways!) Seriously though, have your child in the room helping with organizing putting things where they go at a young age. Then as they mature only offer help occasionally.  If you teach them the skills, (how to do laundry, group like thing together, knowledge that if you put it in the wrong place you'll never find it again) and give them a checklist (on a clipboard, so it won't get lost)  they can then feel independent and a sense of accomplishment. Real life skills!  If they can't find something, that's on them LOL!  If all else fails shut the door!  You will now have much more time for your own organizing.

I also stopped organizing things I didn't want to keep. I got rid of them instead. Easy enough! I've seen organizers use a well marked box in the closet or laundry room. It can say donate, doesn't fit, I hate this, or what ever you want. If that keeps you from keeping things intermingled with the stuff you like great!
However, I just go through the closet when I feel the urge and rip stuff off hangers and throw it in the car. I get inspired when I run out of hangers so instead of buying new hangers ... remove things that you don't wear, doesn't fit, stained, out of style.
Instead of buying rough totes to store things in the attic or basement ... make sure you like it, want it, or need it. Do what works for your sanity!

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